Experiments are the lifeblood of Physics. The importance of experiments in Physics cannot be overstated. However, for a few exceptions, most of the theories in Physics have their origin in experimental observations. Realizing this, the Engineering Physics Lab course was added to the B.Tech curriculum with the establishment of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University in 2015. The Engineering Physics Laboratory of Mar Athanasius College of Engineering was also established in the same year. It is spacious, well equipped, and provides ample opportunity for the first year B.Tech students to experimentally verify the different principles they study as part of the Engineering Physics course. The experiments that are performed are selected from the list of experiments prescribed in the Engineering Physics Lab syllabus of the University. Through the experiments, students get the practice of taking measurements, analyzing data, and drawing inferences. The lab can accommodate up to 32 students at a time. The experiments are chosen from a wide range of fields, such as electricity, electronics, optics, magnetism, fibre optics, mechanics, etc. The equipment available in the lab includes CROs, Function Generators, Newton's Rings Apparatus, Fibre Optics Characterization Apparatus, etc.

The Engineering Chemistry Lab was established, along with the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, in 2015. The engineering Chemistry lab is located in a well-ventilated environment with adequate facilities and has a capacity of 32 students per session. Engineering Chemistry Lab gives a hands-on experience with instruments such as a Visible Spectrophotometer, Potentiometer, Flame Photometer, PH meter, etc., which enable the students to apply the concepts learned as part of the Engineering Chemistry theory paper. This lab also provides an opportunity to experience synthesizing polymers and water quality testing.

Civil Engineering students need an understanding about the geological characteristics of the earth materials, structures, and groundwater. The Engineering Geology lab enables the students to understand the physical properties of minerals and rocks. It also enables civil engineering students to learn the practical knowledge required to solve various geological problems. The Geology lab of our college boasts a good collection of hand specimens of minerals and rocks.