The grievance redressal cell primarily covers the receipt of complaints from the stakeholders of the institution. The students may feel free to submit a grievance in writing a complaint to the cell or online submission through the link provided below (Students who want to remain anonymous shall not reveal their details). The grievance redressal cell will only consider the cases forwarded along with the necessary documents. The committee reviews any issues or complaints raised by the stakeholders and acts according to the grievance policy of the Institute. The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.

Complaints can be submitted using the form :      Grievance Form
Committee Members

S.No Name Designation Department Role
1. Dr. Mathew K Professor EC Dept Chairperson
2. Prof. Smitha Paulose Associate Professor EE Dept Member
3. Dr. Sija Gopinathan Associate Professor EE Dept Member
4. Prof. Nisha Markose Associate Professor MCA Dept Member
5. Dr. Cijo Mathew Assistant Professor ME Dept Member
6. Smt. Parvathi Gopan Student Representative - Special Invitee

AICTE Feedback for Students & Faculty

AICTE has implemented a feedback system for students and faculty, where the identity will not be revealed to the institute and will be kept confidential in AICTE records.

AICTE Feedback